“Kõik suuremad kliimamuutused, ka looduslikud, on suure mõjuga. Ajaloos varem aset leidnud kliimamuutused on viinud mitmete liikide väljasuremiseni, populatsioonide rändeni ning muutusteni maa peal ning merehoovustes. Praegusel ajal muutub kliima kiiremini kui enamikel teistel aegadel ajaloos, mis teeb olukorraga kohanemise inimkonnale ja loodusele raskeks.” – The Royal Society, UK
“All major climate changes, including natural ones, are disruptive. Past climate changes led to extinction of many species, population migrations, and pronounced changes in the land surface and ocean circulation. The speed of the current climate change is faster than most of the past events, making it more difficult for human societies and the natural world to adapt.” – The Royal Society, UK
Väljakutse panustab järgmistesse eesmärkidesse / The challenge contributes to achieving the following goals:
KAEd / SDGs:
Eesti 2035 eesmärgid / Estonia 2035 goals:
Väljakutse looja / Creator of the challenge:
Partnerid / Partners:
Sissejuhatus / Introduction

Proovikivi kliimamuutuse väljakutse on esimene, kuhu kaasame osalejaid rahvusvaheliselt. Selle väljakutse eesmärk on luua mõtestatud algatusi kliimamuutusega tegelemiseks ning samal ajal selle kohta ka rohkem õppida.
Proovikivi’s climate change challenge is the first one of our global challenges in which we expect youth, NGOs, companies and teachers from several countries to participate in. The key objective of this challenge is to take meaningful action while learning about the phenomena of climate change.
Loe lisa / Read more:
Mis on probleem? / What is the problem?
(EST) Peamine probleem, mida see väljakutse adresseerib, on CO2 jt “kasvuhoonegaaside” tõus atmosfääris. Need gaasid põhjustavad kliima soojenemist kiiremini, kui see muidu toimuks. Enamik teadlasi on arvamusel, et kliimamuutus sellisel kujul on inimtegevuse tagajärg. Kliimamuutus põhjustab või mõjutab omakorda palju teisi probleeme: ookeanide happelisuse tõus, üha ekstreemsemad ilmastikutingimused, ookeanivee taseme tõus, toidupuudus, ränne ja mitmed teised.
(ENG) The main problem this challenges addresses is the rising levels of CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” in our atmosphere which cause the climate to heat up faster than usual. There is an overwhelming consensus among scientists that human activity is very likely the major cause of the current rising levels of CO2 and consequently the changes in the climate (NASA). Climate, however, would not be a problem if it didn’t cause a myriad of other problems: ocean acidification, adverse weather, rising ocean levels, food poverty, migration and many others.
Keda see mõjutab? / Who are influenced by it?
(EST) Kas kliimamuutused on päriselt olemas? Puudutab see Eestit? Kuidas mõjutab ilmastiku muutus meie metsi ja loomi? Kuidas kaitsta meie elurikkust, puhast vett, mulda – on need tõesti ohus?
Oled sa valmis korjama kukeseeni jaanuaris, lilli novembris ja leidma hülgeid kuivalt maalt? Oled sa valmis tormideks ja lumevabadeks talvedeks?
Tahad sa:
- olla üks neist 100 000 Eesti noorest, kes mõistab kliimamuutuste mõju ja vajadust kiirelt tegutseda?
- ühiskonnas suuri muutusi esile tuua ja otsuseid mõjutada?
- koos tegutseda, et kliimamuutusi leevendada?
Kliimamuutuste mõju on globaalne, ent see on alati ka lokaalne. Kuidas see sind mõjutab ja mis me selleks koos teha saame?
Antud väljakutse on tõeliselt globaalne – kliimamuutus mõjutab kõiki inimesi, taimi ja loomi. Sellegipoolest on kõige haavatavamad vaesed inimesed ning need, kes elavad piirkondades, kus mereveetaseme tõus ning kliimamuutusest põhjustatud ohtlikud ilmastikutingimused mõjutavad nende elu olulisel määral.
(ENG) This challenge is truly global – all people as well as animals and plants are influenced by climate change. However, the most vulnerable are poor people and those living in areas where the sea level rise and adverse weather (caused by the changing climate) affects their livelihoods.
Kuidas on üritatud probleemi lahendada? / How have people tried to solve this problem?
(EST) Inimesed on püüdnud kliimamuutuse probleemi lahendada erinevatel viisidel, kuid ära teha saaks palju enam. Mõned näited sellest, mida on üritatud teha:
- Erinevate riikide esindajad on probleemi arutanud rahvusvahelisel tasandil ning leppinud kokku, mida iga riik peaks tegema, nt. Pariisi kliimalepe
- Mõned poliitikud, aktivistid ja MTÜd teevad kampaainaid ja muid tegevusi, et kliimamuutusega tegeleda
- Mõeldake välja leiutisi, et vähendada CO2 atmosfääris ning muul moel toetada kliimamuutusega võitlemist
- Mitmed organisatsioonid ja eraisikud püüavad käituda “rohelisemalt”, näiteks lülitades kontoris või kodus tuled välja, kui neid ei kasutata
(ENG) People have tried to solve the problem in different ways, but much more can be done. Some things people have done:
- Representatives of different countries have discussed the issue internationally and agreed on some actions that states should take, e.g. the Paris agreement
- Some politicians, activists and NGOs are advocating for measures to be taken to curb climate change, e.g. cutting down less forests
- People are coming up with new inventions that reduce CO2 and other greenhouse gases being released to the atmosphere, e.g. see here for examples
- Many organisations are trying to be less wasteful, e.g. by turning off lights in offices helps to reduce CO2 production
Kes võib väljakutses osaleda? / Who can participate in this challenge?
All teachers, students, university students, and other community members are welcome to participate. However, in the upcoming school year, we are focusing on student projects, so it would be great if you were a student or collaborating with students. There is no age limit.
Kuidas saavad noored panustada? / How can the youth contribute?
Young people, especially if they take the challenge up as a school project, can contribute in many ways:
- Researching climate change related topics, doing a science project
- Raising awareness in one’s school, community or home
- Creating info-materials, videos, art, dance, music
- Organizing a campaign, writing articles
- Coming up with ways to make one’s school, home, youth centre or any other place more ‘climate friendly’
- Measuring one’s own climate impact
- Thinking of ways to adapt to climate change and its effects
- Suggesting changes in laws or regulations
- Coming up with a business idea or a product that is ‘climate neutral’
Mida pean arvestama selle väljakutse puhul? / What do I need to take into consideration when taking on this challenge?
Currently there are no special conditions, other than all projects done as part of this challenge should be reported to the organisers and willing to showcase what they have done.
Lisainfo ja materjale / Additional info and materials
U.N. report warns on the impacts of climate change (ENG)
The climate change topic and materials on the British Royal Society website (ENG)
UN SDGs official site on climate action, materials, resources (ENG)
EU 2030 climate and energy framework (ENG)
MTÜ Mondo Maailmakooli õppematerjal kliimamuutustest (EST)
Hea teada
- Korraldavad veebinare / Will organise webinars
- Pakuvad tagasisidet õpilaste ideedele / Offer feedback to students’ ideas
- Tunnustavad projekte / Recognize actions taken
- On valmis tulema kooli või noortekeskusesse väljakutsest rääkima
- Pakub seminare/webinare kooliaasta jooksul
- Kutsub külla MTÜ Mondo kontorisse
- On valmis andma tagasisidet õpilaste ideedele ning tegema omapoolseid soovitusi
- Tunnustab parimaid ideid ja tehtud projekte
Lisainfo / Additional info:
Mirell Merirand
Millist mõju soovime luua ja kuidas plaanime seda mõõta? / What kind of impact would we like to achieve and how are we planning to measure it?
Impact on the youth who participate in the challenge:
- Improvement of the “21st Century skills”, such as communication, collaboration / team work, critical thinking
- Whether they feel empowered – knowing how and wanting to take action, greater awareness of one’s their agency
- Reported deeper learning and increased subject knowledge
- Greater glocal (global and local) awareness
- Other specific skills, benefits and challenges reported
Societal impact:
- Number of people reached with this topic, raise in awareness?
- What actual changes have occurred as a result of the projects done?
- Find specific measures based on global, international and national targets in relation to climate change – connect these to the challenge to observe long-term change
Väga asjalik arutelu kliimaneutraalsuse saavutamise teemal riigikogus (15.04.2021): https://www.err.ee/1608178048/otse-kell-10-riigikogu-arutab-kliimaneutraalsuse-saavutamist